Ha Manh Bui

  • Ph.D. Student, Johns Hopkins University
  • Gmail: "hb dot buimanhha"

I am a Ph.D. Student in Computer Science at Johns Hopkins University, working with Angie Liu. Prior to that, I was at VinAI Research, under the supervision of Toan Tran and Dinh Phung.

Research interests: Efficiency, Uncertainty, and Robustness in Machine Learning.


Density-Softmax: Efficient Test-time Model for Uncertainty Estimation and Robustness under Distribution Shifts [Colab demo, PDF, code] Ha Manh Bui, Anqi Liu under review, 2024

Density-Regression: Efficient and Distance-Aware Deep Regressor for Uncertainty Estimation under Distribution Shifts [Colab demo, PDF, arXiv, code, BibTex] Ha Manh Bui, Anqi Liu International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 2024

Benchmark for Uncertainty & Robustness in Self-Supervised Learning [PDF, arXiv, code, BibTex] Ha Manh Bui, Iliana Maifeld-Carucci arXiv pre-print, 2022

Exploiting Domain-Specific Features to Enhance Domain Generalization [PDF, arXiv, code, slides, talk, BibTex] Manh-Ha Bui, Toan Tran, Anh Tran, Dinh Phung Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2021